
This website is intended to provide the ressources for the students following the micro:bit mobile robotics summer school. But those ressources have been produced to be reusable, and teachers are of course welcomed to go through this site and take whatever they like for their own courses.

Overall, the program of the summer school will be as follows:

The structure of this site follows the chronology of the activities you will go through (before and) during the week of the summer school:

  • Introduction to python
    As most of the activities will include some python programming, I'll need everyone to come with a minimum of experience of this language so that we can go through all the activities without leaving anyone behind. This is the purpose of this page which will make you practice the basics of python and discover the different tools you'll need during the week if you don't know them already.
  • Micro:bit board
    On Monday you will discover the micro:bit controller which will be the brain of our mobile robots. You'll use your (freshly gained) skills in python to already start interacting with the board. In the afternoon, you'll start to discover how to connect a controller to sensors and actuators, that is how to give him more the ability to sense and act on its environment.
  • Robotics and moving
    While previously we were limited to a bunch of components lying around next to each other, on Tuesday you'll add a bit of structure to all this. You'll put together a simple mobile robot kit and learn to control it. In the afternoon, you'll work on the same theme, but learning to gain autonomy to decompose and solve robotics problems without guidance.
  • Designing and building
    The robot we find in kits is rarelly able to satisfy all our desires. To free us from those limitations, we'll see how to design our own robot frame and build it using simple equipment first, in the morning, and then using professional equipment and CAD in the afternoon.
  • Closing and opening
    On the last day we'll come back on what we learned and produced during the week and you will be presented different options to continue your exploration of mobile robotics smoothly in autonomy.

To follow the program you will need:

  • a computer (with an internet connection and browser),
  • a microbit (with use-cable),
  • a bit buggy (with batteries),
  • a potentiometer with female headers,
  • a HC-SR04,
  • 6x female-female wires,
  • some cardboard (preferably 3m thick with a ruler, some glue, and a cutter)

Have a good time and may you learn a lot !